Natalie Smyth, Bsc Health Science (Naturopathy) Naturopath & Registered Yoga Practitioner
Natalie is a passionate Naturopath, intertwining Functional Medicine, mindfulness, and yoga philosophy. With a previous life in the corporate world, Natalie understands setting realistic achievable goals to achieve whole health.
Natalie was at the forefront of initiating a wellness program for Discovery Networks to become the healthiest company to work for in Britain. As well as Natalie's training in mindfulness under the world-renowned Thich Nhat Hanh assists her innate ability to heal, empathise, and offer solutions to various clients.
​​​She looks at every person as a unique bio individual, addressing the underlying root causes of health problems and is trained to understand how nutrients and other food components influence the function of the body. Thereby protecting against disease, restoring health, and determining people’s response to changes in the environment. Food is our fuel: nourishes us down to our biochemistry, it unlocks our creativity, influences our mood, it grounds and connects us back to nature, as well as connecting us to our community.
She has run retreats in Eco Camps in the UK, Portugal, Brazil and Australia. As well as mentoring with pioneers in the healing arts, since she was 15 years old in Australia & the US.

The longest journey of our lives is from the head to our hearts. To remind you, that you are the medicine, and everything you dreamed of arises when you live from the heart.
To remind you that you are whole and connect you with the inner parts of yourself. So you can radiate health, beauty and confidence.
Real Life Experience
Since suffering with mental health from early childhood. Drives empathy with my clients, to break down barriers that lead to profound understanding and connection.
What I Do
I help people connect to their higher self, though nutrition, movement, mindset practices, creativity and energy medicine.

Natalie's Yoga journey
​​Natalie’s yoga journey started in early adolescence, with a vivid picture of mummy doing a handstand on the sheepskin, a typical 90’s scene in Australia! As well as her surfing friends, practicing yoga to build strength in their shoulders and practice their breath with meditation to withstand the force of the waves in surfing.
At 15 yrs her life changed when she walked into the studios of Peace Yoga practicing over the ocean, guided by the light of the moon. Those memories of yoga stuck with Natalie and often came to her in crossroads of her life, like the philosophy of naturopathy did. With regular practice and support Natalie was slowly able to rest her mind, and overcome paralysing anxiety and find another option outside of antidepressants, of which she had been prescribed from 11 - 23 years old.
As London life took a hold, she lost her yoga practice. She couldn't find the nourishing loving space that she longed for like Peace Yoga. Natalie never wanted to be a yoga "teacher", but wanted to delve deeper into the ancient philosophy and learn of the tools for self mastery that she has seen transform so many lives, as well as her own.
She also felt something was missing in her Naturopathic Clinic, to help her clients adapt to stress. As science is slowly confirming the root of nearly all chronic disease in the Western World is stress, due to our slow but progressive evolution to adapt to the modern world.
The tools of yoga science help us to master the game of life, whether your initial focus is to strengthen your body, or transcend your mind, Yoga encompasses everything and meets you where you are. Throughout our lives, different teachers present themselves at different times, but only when we’re ready. Finally 12 years on; Natalie was finally ready to train under Amrita Doreena Scales at Peace Yoga. And teaching is what she was born to do.
Now, Natalie can finally say she’s actually free. Free from the bondage of expectations. With a daily practice and acknowledgement of the whole science of yoga. has Natalie finally been able to embrace living creatively. She hopes to leave you feeling nourished, and empowered in your own self awareness, leaving the class with courage ready to face any obstacles that come your way, and notice the beauty of everything on your path.
From my heart to yours,

Social Impact causes I’m collaborating with and supporting
Onda Solidári, which translates to Village of Dreams. I first met Ricardo when I lived in Rio, who has set up the village of dreams to connect children all over the world in education
You have a high regard and vision for yourself, you’re capable of everything. Yet you can’t stop the patterns of self sabotage.
What is work life balance? Are you being seen for your true worth?
Overthinking? Know that you have to eat better, but sugar or quick fixes are the foods that give you energy.
Empowered by your health
Energised and vitalised
Endless belief in who you are
Excitement, passion and energy
I’ve studied so many modalities, as I’m constantly growing and changing. So are you! All I want is for every single person to evolve to their highest potential. That starts with your thoughts, your habits, your nutrition, your movement, and your relationships.
I can’t wait to create a partnership and plan together for you to evolve to the highest version of yourself. Let’s cross the bridge together!
Know the food that nourishes YOU
Remember to play & create
Embrace your courage
Learn to love
Live your truth
Listen to your intuition
Connect with your mission

Natalie Smyth
"Nature is one of our greatest teachers, as it mirrors back to us, our very own nature"

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